6 weeks Post Op

Mar 25, 2010

Well I am 6 weeks out from surgery and down about 29 lbs.  I can tell in last few weeks that the weight is gone.  I guess I am finally paying attention to myself.  I heard early out from people that they could tell in my face that I have lost weight.  Up until recently I have been able to feel it more in my clothes as they are fitting much better.  My energy level has picked up some and I can actually run up two flights of stair and not be out of breathe.  Before I would have had to stop at the bottom of second flight just to take a breathe and that was walking up them.  I have a great group of people that I work with who are constantly asking me if I am drinking my water, which has helped me.  I can now drink about 54oz in a day...I am working to the 64oz or more now water now.  That has been hard ...I have become very acquainted with many bathrooms now that I am drinking so much water. LOL!   I have noticed too that before my surgery I had to have flavor in my water in order to drink it. Now I prefer slightly chilled to room temp. water and I drink it with no problems.  That truly amazes me.  I try not to bring too much attention to myself about my weight loss outside the WLS community.  I am trying to be humble about it and don't want it going to my head. BUT sometimes my confidence in the way I look and feel just get in the way and I want to tell everyone ...Guess what I did that has changed my life for the better!  I find myself looking at other overweight people now and wonder if they have any idea what they are doing to their body.  I want them to know how much better that I feel.  Then the double edge sword comes out.  I am addicted to my bathroom scale...it calls me all the time.  Deborah come step on me and see if you have gained or lost a pound...Deborah come on you know you want to stand on me.  What the hell...why has this consumed me?!  I feel really good and throw my fist in the air and bring it down to my side when I lose a pound.  Then I am scratching my head wondering what did I eat yesterday that caused me to gain that pound.  It is such a horrible jedi mind trick....yes....I said jedi mind trick!   I find that I worry all the time is this all the weight that I will lose?!  Wondering what I am doing that is causing my stall.   I guess at times I think that I took a magic pill and I would wake up and poof it is gone.  Oh..if it only worked that way.  I grabbed my butt for some reason last night and noticed that it is a little saggy in places.  Then I started to think of all the butt exercises that I need to start doing to tighten up as much as I can.  Which brings me to the next phase that I am trying to work on....getting in more exercise.  That Is the worst trying to find time for myself to do that.  When the days are nice I do take a 3.5 mile power walk and I feel great.  Before having my RNY I would have to chew gum because my mouth would get so dry during the walk.  Now I drink so much water that it doesn't bother me anymore. I have a very athletic active daughter who will be 17 in July. She is currently playing softball and I will not miss her games. So that keeps me from working out by the time we get home from the games it will be 9 or 10pm.  Since I get up between 4:30 and 5:00am to get ready for work at 6:30 I normally go to bed as soon as we get home.  My other new goal is trying to find time for me to take care of me.  That will be hard until softball season for the school is over...I say that because she plays travel softball too! The schedule is more relaxed then.  I see it posted on the forums all the time ...Newbees asking what surgery did you have and would you do it again?    Knowing what I know now...I like many of you that are further out..I wished I had done this earlier.  I am looking forward to what my future has to hold and ready to embrace it all!


About Me
Pell City, AL
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2009
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