Seawall to Seawall - Clear Lake, Iowa ( First Half Marathon)

Aug 31, 2012

 September 1st, 2012- my first half marathon. My pace was around 10 when I started. Soon the excess skin between my thighs started to rub and slow me down. I do not know why I deviated from what I wore for training, compression shorts, but I did.  

The first six miles flew by with out a hitch. 

I had to stop for a potty break around mile 8. My wife was following me on MapMyRun and she thought I went down.  That is funny. 

Back on the course there was some construction around Ventura?

The last mile had my very supportive friends and family cheering me on. That made me chock back tears.  

At the finish line (2:43) was an old friend who handed me my finish metal. He was surprised as I was.

My legs felt like Bambi!

