Making Progress

Nov 24, 2009

I had my pre-op appt at GHP yesterday and then went to get my pre-op labwork done.  Was very happy I didn't have to fast first.  Of course being on this meal plan, there really isnt' much difference.  hehe.  My appt went great!  I lost (drum roll please....) 6.5 lbs last week!!  I still have 1 week to go so I am hoping to double that.  So far I am down just over 12 lbs since my first appt at GHP in September.  I am amazed and tickled pink! 

A very nice nurse named Jackie called me today to let me know my surgery is scheduled for 7:30am on Monday!  Although I have to arrive 2 hrs early, i am so excited that I am first on the docket!  I just have such a good feeling about the whole process!  Then, out of nowhere today, a co-worker gave me a card and a little plaque that says "If you dream it you can do it!"  What a sweet and thoughtful gesture!  She understands as she has been down this road several years ago.  I am  blessed to have so many positive people in my life right now! 

So, heres to a great rest of my week, an awesome holiday, and a fruitful shopping expedition on Friday!!  I am off and running ...........................


About Me
Grand Rapids, MI
Sep 03, 2009
Member Since

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