Just an update.

Jul 27, 2010

Wow! It's been awhile sense I have written anything. Thought I would just update. First I have to say I am completely blessed and thankful. Things are going really great. I think keeping a positive attitude has helped. Positive thoughts bring positive things. Now mind you it is hard at times to be positive. But honey we've come a long way. I'm holding at 161 lbs. and have been for awhile now. Although last week I jumped on the scale and it said 158 lb. I thought to myself, that is to low. I have never thought that, not even once in my life. I'm hoping to stay at 161 and not gain or loss anymore. That is 80% of my excess body weight. My doctor seems to be happy with the results.
Last week my work was in Denver for a big conference we put on for our customers. Employees and customers come in from all over the US. This is the only time I see some of these people. Boy was this year different. Some people that I've known for more then 4 years didn't even know who I was.  As I did not share last year that I had weight loss surgery and was only back to work two weeks before the show. What a great feeling. I had to laugh when some people would say "Did you cut your hair." Which I have. I'd say yes and smile and let it go at that. They wouldn't say anything else and I wouldn't say anything else either. To funny. I got whistled at for the first time sense the surgery as I was walking down the street. Boy did that make me feel good.  The best part of all is I was able to keep up with all the events. You see our day starts around 7 am and goes till the customers are ready to go to bed. There were many of nights I was up till 1 am or 2 am. And still able to make it the next day. My feet and back didn't hurt this year from being on them so much and all the walking that I had to do. I didn't need to sit and rest as much. It was a great show. I truly enjoyed showing off the new me. Some people committed on how much happier I am and how I was always moving and on the go. It just made me feel really good. I finally think I am comfortable with the person I always know I was. And the person everyone is finally seeing. The hardest part of the whole show was the food. Although I was prepared. I brought beef jerky, nuts, protein bars (which I shared with other people) and chili. I am a much picker eater then I have ever been. I could really tell one day when I hadn't eaten well for a few days how my mood had changed (a little bitchy) and how drained I was getting. But after I ate a good meal I felt  a lot better and my mood changed ( happy again) and my body felt back to normal.
Through this whole process I think I have gained more respect from my co-workers and customers. I've gained a new out look on life. I am truly happy and blessed. It's been a long road but one that has been worth going down. As I keep going down this road and learning new and exciting things. I will always remember what it took to get this far. There will be no U-turn for this girl. Straight ahead.

Have a great day.


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About Me
Dresser, WI
Surgery Date
Dec 19, 2008
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