
Mar 06, 2010

i'm snacking.  late at night, after husband goes to bed, while i'm still up.  eating crap.  carbs.  ugh.  i must stop this nonsense.

stress-wise things are looking up a bit.  i landed a part-time job teaching professional development skills (nothing i know better than job hunting!) at a local technical school.  it doesn't pay particularly well, but the people (including my prospective boss) seem nice and i do like to teach quite a bit.  i had a blast doing my demonstration lesson at the interview.  they made me the offer on the spot so i was quite happy with that.

i also got my materials for the distance-learning course i signed up for, so i've been reading and doing work to complete my first assignments, which also feels really good.  if this works out, i will have found a second line of work i can do freelance that i enjoy.  the key here is enjoy (and do well).

so things on the self-employment front are coming together, slowly, and i find that VERY encouraging.

i got my lab results from my last endocrinologist visit and the PTH and calcium are both high.  It's possible from what i understand that dropping my calcium supplementation can induce hyperparathyroidism so i don't know if the hormone levels are due to that or whatever preexisting condition i have.  i have increased my supplementation back to normal since then.  however, the calcium levels were unchanged - about 10.7, they've been consistently between 10 and 11.  so that to me suggests that the hormone levels really haven't changed appreciably (they can fluctuate anyway, so they have probably been up and down), and they aren't completely diagnostic anyway - the eleveated calcium is.

so i see my doctor on the 16th to check these tests and see what happens next.


About Me
Watertown, MA
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2009
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