5 Days of Diarrhea!!!

Mar 07, 2012


Right now, I'm just thinking I'm glad to be back.  I've been trapped in my bathroom for 5 days!  5 days of diarrhea was far worse than my whole 'recovery' from surgery. 

So, I was at work on Friday, early Friday afternoon, and I felt kinda stange.  I ended up running in and out of the bathroom at work.  I got home, felt better, went with my daughter to get our nails and eyebrows done....by the time we got to the eyebrows, I realized that I was in big trouble.  Fortunately, I live very close to the salons, so I made it home ok.

I thought ok, I have some runs, we'll just let this run it's course...by Sunday, I was still waking up with the runs!  I had a friend bring me some Imodium AD.  I took it, felt fine, thought I'd be able to get up and go to work on Monday...started getting ready for work, and AGAIN!  The runs!!!  I took more Imodium, and started praying. 

By this time, my intestines, which are healing, were starting to hurt, so I ended up taking a half dose of the pain meds that I brought home with me...felt ok.  Still had the urge, but no leakage.  Decided to head off the diarrhea, so that I could go to work on Tuesday, because I missed Monday.  I took the Imodium at night, woke up at 2am and 4am, and took half doses of Imodium...I was just sure that I was going to work on Tuesday morning!  So, I get up at 5:45 am...and here come the runs with a vengeance!  Cramps and all!

I ended up calling my nurse, because I had completely lost my motivation to even drink water, and I know better, but everything that I put in came out as loose stool...even the water.  I knew that I was headed for the ER without an intervention.  So, I spoke to the nurse, and she told me to do all of the things that I'd already been doing.  She told me to stop the protein shakes, drink G2 gatorade, taking the pain meds was a good idea, because it slowed up my intestines, Imodium was fine....then she told me that I also MUST take Activia.  She said that it sounded like my intestinal flora had been thown off, and so I must take the Activia.

So, I eat the Activia, and resume drinking the G2....and the diarrhea stops...I've seen all of the Activia commercials, cracked my own little jokes about Jamie Lee Curtis looking so happy selling yogurt that makes you poop...I'm a believer!  I take it all back!!!  (singing) Ac-ti-via :-)

I did some research, found that a lot of times the antibiotics they give you could kill off the good and bacteria in the intestines, and the bad bacteria takes over, causing the runs...I'm thinking that something along these lines happened.

I feel much better, but a little weak.  I weighed in at 259 lbs yesterday....not really excited about that, since I've been on an involuntary cleanse.  I have upped my fluids, and I've been taking in protein through yogurt.  I ate a little roast beef and rice today.  Tonight my weight is 261.  This I'm ok with.


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Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2011
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