2 months post-op!

Aug 22, 2010

well, here i am!  2 months out!  the last 2 months have flown by!  i'm down 46.8 pounds and am getting oh so close to Onederland! and i'm almost at the 1/2 way mark.  by the time i arrive at Onederland i'll be officially over half way there...woohoo!!!  my official goal is 155 pounds...or at least that's what my PCP wants my goal to be!  don't know if that's practical!  i've lost weight many times only to gain, gain, gain it again.  the smallest i've been in many years was 170 pounds.  i was okay with that but my PCP says that my knees are built to support a woman that weighs no more than 155 pounds.  i'm 5'7" and 155 is on the high side of the weight range.  anyway.....will cross that bridge when i get there.  there's lots of protein shakes between here and there!  just waiting on the next goal.....ONEDERLAND!!!  oh my gosh!  been waiting on that one for a very long time! 

i'm continuing to stress over the upcoming hair loss!  my hair is fine and thin already so can't really help but worry about it.  i know that it will grow back but its the between coming out and growing back that concerns me!  i'm doing all i can possible do to keep the hair loss at a minimum and i know that......just want to be past that part!

i'm so glad i had the surgery.  food is not in the picture now.  its almost like food has become a chore instead of my favorite past time!  i continue to cook regular meals for my precious hubby.  and he finally realizes that he doesn't have to sneak around to have his ice cream!  i know that the "honeymoon" phase of this will eventually end and i really dread that too.  i've never felt like i do right now about food.  i look for something that will taste good to me.....haven't really found anything yet.  the only thing that tastes really good to me right now is tomatoes!  and....tomato season is quickly coming to an end!  i honestly just don't want anything.  got to be careful with my fluid intake.  i've notice that my water intake goes down as well and that's a big NO NO!  going to concentrate more on getting the fluids in this week!

not quite as down as i have been lately.  but still experience some mood swings (which are NOT pretty) but i don't think they are as severe.

praying for a blessed week!  til next time!


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 15, 2010
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