11 weeks post-op!

Sep 05, 2010

well.....another week in the books!  down 57.2 pounds!  yippeeee!  woohoo!!!!  never thought it would be possible!  i feel so much better  than i did 11 weeks ago!  i feel more and more like my old self every day!  and i feel better about myself too which is an awesome thing.

found out about a young woman at my church who was at a concert with her family the other day and broke a chair because of her weight!  my heart breaks for her!  she is so very young and has so many health issues....most are probably weight related!  she has 2 small children and life would be so much better if she lost the weight.....of course, here i am.....the "yoyo queen" who has dieted for the last 30 years only to always gain it back!  and it is only by the grace of God that i never broke a chair!  i don't ever want to forget what it feels like to be in her shoes!  i hear of so many that have WLS and then begin to look down at those that are obese and i never want to be that way.  i know the pain...physically and emotionally....that i experienced as a morbidly obese woman.  and realistically....we're all only a few bites and a few bad choices away from gaining weight again!  help me, Lord, to always remember where i came from!

still watching the comb!  and praying the dreaded "hair loss" will pass me by!  i hold my breath each time i comb my hair and inspect the comb each time!  still doing all i can possibly do to prevent it.  its just not up to me!  so....i guess i have no choice but to take it as it comes.....or take it as it goes!  we'll just have to wait and see!

til next time...


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Surgery Date
Mar 15, 2010
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