Obalon Journey #1

Feb 04, 2014

Day #1


I have already been woken up and told to get ready at an early time, just so I could get early to the hospital. Some people perhaps might feel anxious, nervous or scared… But strangely I feel none. I do not fear, since I know that I will be safe, and as for being nervous, I'm quite fine. I just feel this unidentified feeling, I can't define it.
    At the start of the day, I am a bit surprised that I do not find myself hungry, maybe I just might be a bit nervous after all, since the Obalon is kind of unknown to me; Instead of having my usual fruit bowl, this time I got a green juice that easily satisfied what could've been my hunger, or just to fill a stomach for a long ride.

     You see I live in Mexico, quite but just two hours away from Mexicali, but I needed to skip school in order for me to  calmly get ready and get to Mexicali.
    The idea of having a balloon inside my stomach is somewhat surreal. I mean, I'm just fourteen years old, and getting a balloon inside my stomach gives me a silly mental image. I've been told what the procedure is, and apparently it's a type of capsule? I shall ask the doctor when I arrive at the place.


After the ride, I directly went to the hospital, where I met with family members and Dr. Campos at the hospital. Not being my first time here, I still needed to follow my parents to the right room where I could meet with him. I went to a room where I met with my family members and Dr. Campos  and with his assistant (were  they waiting?). Greeting all of them, I sat down and watched as the Dr. went do something. I was told to follow Carla (his assistant) and get my  current height and weight on a machine. After getting that done I went to wait for the Dr.'s call, in the same room as I was before.

     In a few minutes I was told that I could enter another room with my parents where Dr. Campos was. We were told how the procedure was going to be. Apparently with water, I was going to have to swallow a stringed (it had a very thin string-like tube attached to it) capsule, that was going to carrying a deflated balloon that would eventually come out of the shell, and with some utensil, he would fill the balloon with hydrogen through the tube and then he would just pull the string out and I would be all set. For that I had to swallow a 'fake' capsule that was going to be the same size and shape as the real one.

I went to the X-ray room where I got a robe to cover my upper body, and I stood on top of a machine that did an  X-ray on me. Then was given a capsule, and a cup of water. For emergency as a 'what-if-I-couldn't-swallow-it', there was some juice and more water. Lucky for the people and me, I just swallowed it with one cup of water. I had to stay still, and was specifically told not to bite the string, or quite so  it would tear easily, so I had to answer questions with nod and small shake of head. I stood there with stringed capsule for 8 minutes, then it came out of it's shell; the Doctor inflated the balloon, and I felt a cool gush stream through the tube to the balloon. It quickly inflated, and it felt as something was literally inflating inside. Right after that, I had the string removed.
I was given some Pantozol after I had already changed into my normal clothes, and I was supposed to take the tiny pill as soon as possible or before eating; at first I didn't feel anything in my stomach, so I walked as I normally do, but then after a few minutes I felt a small object in my stomach move because of the movement I created; I felt a little slowed down, because I personally wasn't used to that feeling, plus, I was feeling dizzy from the ride. I was on a liquid diet for three days, then for the  next two days I would eat a bit quite more thicker liquids, after that I would be able to eat yogurt and jello. The following Monday (one week after) , I would be able to have normal meals. I was ready. Something told me, this was going to be a challenging journey for my Balloon and I, but I would and will try my best.


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