2011 WILL be my year!

Dec 31, 2010

This is a new year, a new beginning for me and my fickle little band. Currently, I have 5.5ish ccs in my 10cc band. I don't really have restriction at the moment. A couple weeks ago I had to have more fluid taken out due to not being able to get water down.  I have an appointment in a couple days to get some put back in.  I weighed in this morning, 223. ouch!!  I've gained back roughly 8lbs. :(  The holidays were really hard for me, as I'm sure they were for every other WLS person.  I lost my willpower, I lost my motivation. I need to get it back!!!  I want to get it back!  I just have a problem actually doing it.   I made a weight loss challenge for my mom, my sisters and myself. It's a Valentine's day challenge and we're going to weigh in  every Friday...much like the challenges on here.  I just know I'll be able to keep up with it more if it's with them.  Hopefully, it'll give me some damn motivation!  Today was my first day of getting back on track for the new year.  I did ok I guess?  I exercised a little bit, worked my arms and my abs.  My stomach is where ALL those 8lbs got added on. My scrub top is snug. :(  They had been damn near falling off of me. Damn me and my lost willpower! As far as food goes...I ate a small porkchop and black eyed peas for lunch.   I took a nap and woke up at 5pm to get ready for work. I ate 5 small cookies.  DAMN IT!!!  They were made with Splenda..but STILLLL....that is a hell of a lot of carbs I don't need!  I need to get back on low carb, high protein!  Effin cookies.  After I ate them, I was so pissed at myself that I went and dumped both containers of Splenda made Christmas cookies into the trash. lol My fiance' wasn't going to eat them and I didn't want to eat any more of them!  After that I got ready for work and headed out. I work 8p-8a.  I had some nuts around 10pm, that didn't cure my hunger so at 11:30 I ate some supper. about 1 cup of the salad I brought and another of those tiny pork chops. they're only about 2 inches by 3 inches lol..you know those real small ones?? I didn't want to eat all of my salad because I had 9 hours left and I would be starving by morning. 3am rolls around, I get a little hungry. Salad doesn't stick to my ribs like it needs to!  but...hardly any carbs. so I have a snack...mixed nuts and a tablespoon of peanut butter with splenda mixed in.  Now that I look back on what I have eaten today...I really didn't do too bad!  Maybe I can get back on track afterall. :)  Especially when I get a little fill ;)  Oh wait..I splurged at the staff canteen and got a bottle of apple juice. Shit...there goes my carb limit for the day! Oh well..tomorrow is a new day, and I WILL succeed!  (I have to beat my sisters and mom losing weight anyway!)
So my resolutions for this year....
1. I will reach my goal weight of 185. I will still be overweight according to the BMI chart, but I really do have a large frame! haha
2. I will not stress or nag over the little things that really don't matter.  Who cares if my fiance' never hangs up his own clothes? At least he washes the laundry! I need to just let it go that he's not as good of a housekeeper as I am lol. I don't want to be the nagging housewife that the husband hates to come home to. I love this man with all my heart, and I don't want to lose him over something so dumb. grr...me and my housekeeping OCD.
3. I will NOT spend money on things I do not need. Mainly....clothes. If there's a really good sale, I'm buying clothes. No, I do not need any of them.  I have more clothes now than I ever have....especially jeans. lol..I've never in my life had more than 4 pairs of jeans.  I think I have around 20 pair right now. WTF do I need 20 pair of jeans for?!!?
4. I will save money for a wedding.   We have a date...October 8th, 2011. :D It will be a small wedding, but even small weddings cost money!
5. I will exercise at LEAST twice a week.  This one will be my hardest.  I just don't like exercise.  :(  I hate the people who say "ooohhhh I feel so amazing after a good work out! I just loooove to exercise! I'm at the gym at least 5 days a week."  blah....I hate you.

I think that's it for now.  I need to go check on my patients anyway. lol


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Mar 05, 2009
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