The countdown is on!

Jun 18, 2014

I had my last set of appointments at the Center for Weight Management on Monday.  Met with the nurse to go over last details on the surgery and my hospital stay.  Met with the pharmacist to get vitamins, pill crushers, and a list of meds that I can and can't take after surgery.  And finally the Physical Therapist.  She gave me a exercise "prescription" to start now and to continue after surgery.  Also confirmed that my surgery will be on June 30th!  So it is actually official now!! Yikes!! 

I started the walking Wednesday.  15mins 5x's a week.  Doesn't sound like that much but when you haven't worked out in a long time it is!  Plus it was probably the hottest day we have had so far this year.  Today was much nicer. 

I am a little frustrated with this pre op diet.  Following it closely and NOT cheating but am not dropping much weight.  My diet isn't a liquid only.  I get to eat up until day of surgery.  Just trying not to get discouraged. 

