T-Minus 57hrs 30mins and 20sec...but who is counting!!

Jun 27, 2014

Wow...it is getting so close to surgery day!  I am more excited then anything. Everyone keeps asking if I am nervous but I can honestly say that I am not!  I think the excitement is masking the nerves right now but I know I will be feeling them on Sunday but for now I am cool as a cucumber!  


Since I last posted I have been keeping up with the pre-op diet.  It has been going okay I guess.  The office said that on this diet I should loose a bunch of weight but I haven't really had that experience yet.  The second week of the diet I really struggled.  I think it was because I was stressing over gaining any weight.  The last appointment that I had I did gain about 3 lbs. and the nurse wasn't happy with me.  She said if I gain anymore weight when they weigh me on day of surgery that they will not do the surgery.  I think that stress caused me to not lose any weight.  But finally I started to drop a little. At that doctors appointment I weighed 303lbs (yes, I went back to the 300's) but today I weighed 295.5.  That is a 7.5lb loss.  I don't know if that is good enough but it is the best I can do short of starving myself.  I have considered just doing liquids tomorrow and Sunday but we will see how I am progressing and go from there.


The physical therapist gave me an exercise "prescription".  Unfortunately, the weather here has been less then favorable to go outside and walk 5 days a week like she wanted.  I have been able to do a couple nights last this week. I download "Map my Walk" on my iPhone and I love it.  It tracks my distance, route, and time for every workout.  Definitely something I will use for a long time!  


Other then that I am just trying to get last minute things done before Monday.  Packing my bags, getting food prepared for when I get home, etc.  I hope this weekend flies by!! (I can't believe I am saying that!)

