Survived the 4th of July!

Jul 05, 2014

Only 5 days out of surgery and I had to resist temptation on a grand scale! Yesterday my sister hosted a 4th of July party at her house. I knew there was going to be lots of people there which equaled lots of eating and drinking. Early in the party it was all just my immediate family, all of which knew what I have went thru. Most saying they felt bad for eating around me. At that point it actually didn't bother me. I was just happy to be out of my house and socializing! But as the night went on it became more difficult to fight the urge to eat. If course I didn't follow this urge but it was so hard! There was food everywhere!! Protein shakes and flavored water do not take the place of brats, buffalo chicken dip, and homemade ice cream. Even though I wasn't physically hungry that head hunger was a bitch to fight! 

But as I wake up today I am proud of myself for getting thru yesterday. It showed me that I do have the will power I never thought I had, or at least paid attention to before! 

