Tuesday, Day 6.........

Jun 29, 2010

It's day 6 after surgery and I feel a million times better today. Still very emotional and sensitive but physically better. Mentally is going to be the challenging part. That's the good news. The other good news is I just had to get on the scale yesterday I don't know why but I was so tempted. Just needed some hope to pull me through and it said 251.5 that's 13.5 lbs in 5 days I lost!!!!!!!! now i don't know if it was the cleanse I had to do prior to surgery or the loose stool you have right after surgery for a few days or the just no food???? whatever it was, it was enough to get me through the day and give me some hope.
There is no turning back now, no time to ponder the regret you sometimes feel, just have to move forward and accept the changes and learn how to deal with them. Talking to people online has really helped me tremendously!! Amazing how a stranger can get you through and emotional time. Thank God!!!

Ther is some bad news......I changed the tape and gauze on my incision from the drainage tube I had and it's a little oozy with brown and yellowish stuff. Not much but the day before it almost looked scabed up and healed. But my kids had me laughing all day which about killed me because as most of you know that have had this or a c section, you CANNOT laugh without pain after this type of surgery.............So I don't know if I opened it or it's just infected or what. I'll probably call the doctor today becuase my appointment isn't for another week. Not sure if I should just give it a day to heal and wait it out or call. The incision is so small, about the size of the width of your fingernail...but still...it was a LONG tube inside me.

Other than tha, feeling pretty good today, washing a load of laundry, made breakfast for the kids, lunch for my husband and cleaned a little. Amazing how exhausted you get so fast. I actually put makeup on today!! and straightened my hair. Took me about an hour because I kept getting so tired, I had to stop. But if I sit around in my pajamas one more day I might go nuts!!!.............If I look better maybe I'll feel better.

Well, thanks for all your support and posts to my blogs you guys are great!! Any advice or just comments are always welcome!


About Me
Walnut, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2010
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