Day 8.....

Jul 01, 2010

Today is day 8. Still not hungry, but I know I have to eat something. mostly thirsty. I'm having a really hard time getting my protein in. I'm supposed to get anywhere from 60-100 grams of protein in a day and I think I'm only getting in maybe 5. Anyone have any suggestions??...............still on liquids only so I've only been drinking like a bottle of water a day and maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of a vitamin water zero drink. I tried adding some of my protein powder to the bean juice I had been drinking and it's disgusting.....

I feel pretty good, have energy somewhat. At least bursts of it and then come down really fast. But it's something. It's the emotional stuff still...........I have little to no patience for my kids right now and everything makes me angry. Then again, I'm not usually home, I'm always working so not sure if it's just that or the lack of protein?? I can say that I do beleive that it does affect your mental clarity somewhat. I'm trying desparately to get in my protein......just not sure how without food. I don't want to vomit so I'm afraid to keep trying things. I have the protein powder, I have the Isopure which is awful. I haven't tried my protein shakes yet becuase they aren't clear so I'm afraid to try anything that's not clear yet. One of my friends said to try to stay on liquids as long as I can.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get in my protein????????? HELP

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Walnut, CA
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2010
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