Getting closer to date!!!

Jun 16, 2010

I started my 2wk. pre-op diet this week, I'm so hungry...LOL  but I know I have to stick to this diet. I will have to keep busy so I won't think about it. Believe me I have enough to do around here to stay busy. I'll just have to make myself get started with it, & I if I'm working all day maybe that will make me tired enough to go to bed & sleep. I've been staying up until 4:30-5:00 am , then sleeping until 12:00-1:00 . I hate sleeping that late the day is over before I get started on anything. I like getting up around 8am & start my day early, anyway I'll stop rambling & go to bed it's 3:30am....LOL But "I WILL GET UP EARLY " I need to going walking before it gets so hot..... talk later.

