Blood Work 1-12-2011

Jan 12, 2011

Well, it's a new year & I'm well on my way to a new body so far so good. Today I finally joined a health club (Golds Gym) I've been thinking about it for a while, but hated to spend the money because I've joined them before & haven't even brothered to go work out. But this time I know I have to go to firm up this new body & make it better, before I wouldn't go because (I know this sounds dumb) I was so fat but now I'm smaller. I not only need to firm up but I need to do cardo also to get my heart in shape. Now I just need to get over this cold flu or what ever it is that wants to keep hanging on, I'm actually looking forward to going, my daughter has been after me to start going to body pump w/ her we did it several years ago at another gym at first it almost killed me then it was fun but still tough to do but I enjoyed doing it. I hope I can get through it the first several times without to much pain...LOL. Then I know I'll make it & start feeling & seeing the difference in this flabby body. I haven't been exercising at all like I should have been doing, I probably wouldn't be near as flabby if I had . I'm about 12 lbs. from goal so I wanted to get started & get these last few lbs. off, summer is right around the corner & I want to wear shorts again & we are going to Florida this summer. We went about 4 years ago I had a fat bathing suit w/ a skirt around the bottom I have never felt sooo fat in all my life when I had to get a bathing suit like that. The only reason I bought it was my family wanted me to get in the water & so did I , we had never been to Florida before (my hubby has) so it was a big deal & I had always wanted to go . I have always been a summer person you know laying out in the sun all summer or in the pool my hubby said I worship the sun . I haven't done any of that in a few years. The last few years people have noticed that I didn't have a tan, & will comment on it (not in a bad way) that's just part of me in the summer. I would never wear pants in the summer it was always shorts or summer dresses (not in the last few yrs.) but this summer will defiantly be like it use to be. I looked at a few summer dresses today, it's to cold to buy now & I don't know what size I'll be by then but at least I know I'll be able to buy cute things in small sizes that will look good (: I had to go get blood work today, I have my 6 mth. check up the 27th I hope all is good, we shall see they had to fill 9 vials that's alot of blood, I'm happy it was only 1 stick w/the needle. I'll post again after my Dr.appt to tell if all is well or not, pray it is Goodnight !!! 

