Not a great day

Feb 10, 2013

Grumpy and hungry. (And I'm not even adhering to the surgeon's dietary strictures yet, oh geez.) After a personal disappointment this morning, I spite-ate a big serving of frozen yogurt (with candy toppings and whipped cream in addition to the shame and guilt.) 


I don't feel good about this. I've been cranky the last couple days, and I've been cranky because I'm hungry. This seems cyclical; I'll go a few days or a week without much appetite, perfectly content with what I'm eating and with life in general. Then, wham, the angry-hungries hit and I get all lupine and mean and insatiable. 


Oh well. Appointment with the internist tomorrow. I'm weirdly worried that he'll disapprove of the whole bariatric surgery thing; no idea where that specific anxiety came from but I guess we'll see. 


Just occurred to me: maybe I'm feeling worn out, crabby, and thin-skinned because I haven't been using the CPAP. Still waiting for that new mask to arrive and haven't been wearing the horrible old nostril pillows in the meantime. That might have a lot to do with it, actually. Tomorrow I should call the medical supply place to see why it hasn't arrived yet. Ugh, and I have a pile of bills (most of them related to doctors' appointments and bariatric stuff) that need to be wrangled tomorrow. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2012
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2009, at a friend's wedding. Probably weighed ~250 at this point. (I miss that dress.)
Very awkward selfie! I should probably ask for assistance next time, but I'm impatient.

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