-9 days

Feb 18, 2013


Liquids, day two.


Woke up (late, because I've been sick and I'm trying to sleep off the crud) and my belly was gurgling.

Earlier, some chicken broth really made me feel full. That was novel. A few minutes ago I ate a serving of Jell-o. It's 2:16 now and I sure would like something to eat but I'm not, like, SUFFERING. It will be interesting to see where I am with the hunger and the desire for food, and whether I still feel even slightly sane, by tomorrow afternoon.

It is 5:00 and I want food. Hungry, a little, but mainly I want to taste food and chew food. Not to the point of slavering madness yet but the wanting is there. It's a good thing I'm just bumming around the house. This would be more difficult if I had to go out in the world. ...which I'm doing for most of the rest of the week, so I'd better buckle in for what may be a bumpy, hungry ride.


It's 7:50 now and I'm cranky and frustrated. Mainly because of my sore throat and overall lack of energy. Really, really need to feel functional. Sore throats are the worst. I'd almost rather be dealing with a runny nose and sneezing. If I just felt well enough to keep busy and catch up on the housework I'd feel so much better. Off to bed soon. Hoping I can sleep soundly (still haven't received the new mask for my CPAP, although it's allegedly getting mailed in the next couple days) and that another good night's sleep will slay this nastiness.  


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2012
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2009, at a friend's wedding. Probably weighed ~250 at this point. (I miss that dress.)
Very awkward selfie! I should probably ask for assistance next time, but I'm impatient.

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