Just life stuff at four months out

Jun 25, 2013

Just a couple notes.

I've been kind of a terrible patient over the last week or two. Not enough protein (though I'm back on the wagon) and I still haven't gotten around to ordering my iron supplement. Maybe when Mr. Horrible Monster gets paid. I've been feeling very well for the most part and, weirdly, I think that's why I've been kind of a dummy about taking all the supplements I need. Reminder to self: complacency is stupid. Onward and upward; asked the mister to pick up some more multis and vitamin A tonight. 

(I've also been sort of terrible about exercising. Why am I such a brat? This honeymoon period isn't going to last forever and I need to build up some better habits, I'll tell you what.)

And I am now, at almost exactly four months from surgery, hitting a point where my weight loss is being Remarked Upon. By the rad chick who cuts my hair, by a semi-crazy but well-intentioned neighbor lady, by one or two folks on the Facebook, et al. It's weird. When someone asks (or makes a direct comment about how much I've lost) I'll say I had weight loss surgery. But otherwise I've kept it pretty low-key. I don't know. I wouldn't be comfortable making a big public (Facebooky) THING about my bariatric surgery but I want to be honest about it, too. So I guess I've found a compromise to be only-a-little uncomfortable with: forthright if the subject comes up organically, but not drawing attention to it. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2012
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2009, at a friend's wedding. Probably weighed ~250 at this point. (I miss that dress.)
Very awkward selfie! I should probably ask for assistance next time, but I'm impatient.

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