One week out

Jun 06, 2012

 It's been a week now since I went and got my RNY :) For the most part I can say I'm happy I did it, but boy, I sure wasn't ready for the emotional break-downs! Oh, and the hot flashes! Ugh. 
I was feeling great on Monday, aside from a little gas pain. But yesterday and today I'm hurting! I'm blaming it on my 2 year old crawling over my belly in the middle of the night on Monday night/Tuesday morning. If I'm still this sore tomorrow I am calling my doc to make sure the toddler didn't do any damage! 
I'm having a hard time getting in the amounts of fluid I need and the protein. I'm SO not used to worrying about ME. I feel very overwhelmed needing to take SO MUCH TIME for myself. Right now, it's okay because my husband is home, but what about when he's back at work?! I'm afraid things will get even worse.  :(

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Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2012
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