Operation Motivation

Aug 02, 2015

1.5 years Post OP:

This journey has been an interesting one.  There are things that I have done well and things I have done "not so well".  I'm going to try and blog daily in hopes that I can stay on track.  I've lost a total of 80 lbs.  Unfortunately, I have gained 10lbs over the last 2 months....not good.  So, I'm using this blog and a group on OH to stay on track.

Back to the basics.  I really want to reach my goal weight of 170lbs.  The WLS was the easy part...keeping the weight off is hard.  I find myself reverting back to old habits and I need to stop. 

Today, I'm starting fresh.  Hmmm, I wonder if there is a food tracker for people who have had WLS?  I'll have to find out.  I start group exercise this evening....Operation Motivation in effect!


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