Yeah!!! God is good!! i have a date 5/28/10

May 14, 2010

ok its been a while and a friend of mine (robin) was kind enough to remind me to update my page,  so here goes,  i was denied for the sleeve since anthem blue cross seems to think it is still investigational,  so i asked for the Independent Medical Review and with help from an OH friend (diane) who sent me a copy of her appeal letter and others, including robin, and i did a GREAT letter,  i was told there would be a decision by the 19th or shortly thereafter so i was pleasantly suprised when i get a call today at work from maureen at the surgeon's office saying we need to schedule your surgery??  omg  so last time i discussed this with the doctor's office they were 4-6 weeks ahead on the schedule so i figured she will say how about july,,,,,, something so when she says the first opening i have is May 28th??  i'm like,  ok  put me down,  completely forgot it is my daughters wedding anniversary and she was planning on going away for the long weekend and then was going on vacation the next week,   sorry loni,  i have friends and i think i would be fine but she will not hear of it,  she is bound and determined to be here for me,  she is such a great daughter,   i am so lucky in her.  so now,  two weeks? are you kidding me?? no last food hurrah for me,  i went out for mexican with one of the gals from work today and so i will start in the morning,,,, i hear lots of different pre op requirements with different doctors,  some one week,  some two weeks,  some 2 days   some 1 day??? but i will be good,,  i can't believe it is finally happening,  but so little time i have lots to do to get ready,  omg!!!  i am completely gobsmacked

