lived thru first week back at work lol :o)

Jun 19, 2010

today is sat 6/19 and yesterday was my 3 week surgery anniversary,,, so i lost 13 lbs the first 14 days and then the last week nothing,,, i know they say that happens  so i didn't freak out but its not nice to see the scale not moving,,,i was a little afraid maybe its because i started eating some carbs,,, i was so TIRED all the time and i thought it was because i needed to add carbs in my diet,,, and that coinsided with no loss on scale but i think its just a coincidence,, anyway  i worked a full week and man was i glad when friday was done,,, we are really busy right now and i am pooped,,, yeah for the weekend,  so i've been  very lucky,  i've really had an easy time of it and i am grateful... so here's to seeing that scale start moving again,,

