Three months today!!

Jan 05, 2010

Today marks three months! What a difference a few simple months make!

I am down 59 pounds since the day of my surgery and a whopping 77 pounds since I started this journey!  I wasn't going to remark on my prior weight loss but then I saw the number and was thinking, "why in the world WOULDN'T I report it!!!"  I am so incredibly blessed to have had this surgery! I cannot believe the energy I have or how many clothes I have gone through already.  I was thinking the first month out that it was going to take FOREVER to really see a difference in my clothes.  I am now down 4 pant sizes and 2 shirt sizes. I am now in an 18W and 1X shirt very comfortably.  I took measurements last night as I have them recorded in my tracker.  LOL  I have lost a total of 46 inches.  My husband was amazed at how I could have pulled those numbers.  There was a 10 inch loss in my hips and12.5" in my chest! alone!!  WHOO HOO!!!

On a positive eating note.  I am transitioning regular food back into my diet per my last office visit.  I have not had any problems with that.  My portions are just small.  If the food is fairly moist and softer, I am able to eat a half cup.  If it is a denser food with a meat that requires more chewing, I am more like a 1/4 cup.  I don't get too worried about the portions because I am able to eat YUMMY food again!  I have just transitioned my preparation of food to more healthy choices!  I tried a little wine twice over the holidays (since my Dr said that was okay).  I sipped one small glass over a three hour period when I was out with some friends.  I had two glasses of water along side it too.  I never felt tipsy and I think that was because I literally treated it a more of a social icon that imbibing.  It was so incredible to feel like I was a part of the REAL eating/drinking world.  I have also noticed (after reading many OH posts) that upping proteins are key to increasing the weight loss numbers.  THIS REALLY WORKS!!!  Over the holidays, I focused on getting at least 85-90 grams minimum per day.  I lost 13 pounds in just a mere 17 days.  That is just nuts. 

I don't know if anyone picked up on the fact I mentioned "going out with friends?"  I did this two times over the holidays.  I actually went out to a social place and hung out.  Three hours each time.  This has not happened in so many years that I cannot even remember.  I was in a crowded restaurant/bar standing up and did not feel like I was taking up too much room!  My friends were so happy to have me back in their lives.  I felt like a mini-contestant on the Biggest Loser.  I walked into the bar to meet them and they starting clapping and screaming.  I hadn't seen two of them since before the surgery because they live far away.  It was so fun to meet out socially since we all have family obligations and get bogged down a lot with that! Finally, I was able to "play" with them!!!

I am so happy with this decision.  Don't get me wrong.  There are those out there who have that sabotaging personality.  I have just made my mind up to take the good with the bad.  I work in a school of 1800 students so you can imagine how many faculty/staff their are.  Well everyone has an opinion!  I do honestly get annoyed from time to time but I just have chosen the cup half full and smile and give a polite response.  Then when I walk away I chuckle and think these people are just not informed. 

I hope my journey continues to stay on this course.  I feel blessed in so many ways.  Not only is my life improving but my families life is becoming more complete. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2008
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