Eight Day out of Surgery

Jul 15, 2014

I count each day as if it were a charm leading up steps to Normalcy. Recovery has been more brutal than any other surgery that I've experienced. But there were some complications and the surgeon said that the procedure spanned five hours. However, I come on here and read other blogs that express the same (in varying degrees) sorts of hardships post surgery. Its a comfort to read about other's experiences and it gives me a chance to peer into the future. Now that I've belly ached ('scuse the pun) I'm happy to report that each day feels a little better, but in the tiniest of increments.

I've lost about 10 lbs which was such a blessing to receive as I stepped on the scale today. As others experience, it seemed that after days of the fluid diet I should have started losing more faster. Water retention be damned, I wanted results! I DID lose 20lbs right before the surgery and was also warned that this might effect the initial weight loss. But after 8 days of pretty awful, tummy ripping pain, that 10 lb loss made me smile ear to ear.

Today I go to the surgeon for my first post op visit. I've been writing down questions and hoping that I'll get the answers I want. My family goes on vacation in a few weeks and I'm thinking he might probably sort of say no to that. This summer has been a homebound one, but I'll be okay with that answer if it comes. The idea that I have a new lease on life overshadows any missed recreational opportunities.

Whether I keep adding to this blog is an unknown, but it does help to write things out. I'm a big list maker (especially during this little adventure) and journaler. But I do sort of hope to check in because I have already experience how helpful its been for me to sort of drift into this community from time to time and absorb the journeys that others are experiencing.


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Jun 29, 2014
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