1/2 my mission accomplished :]

Sep 04, 2011

So I've had my surgery!! :) Tomorrow will mark 1 week. When I was going in for surgery I was a nervous wreck...I cried like a baby haha and having my mama by my side almost made me more of a baby haha. The first couple of nights in the hospital were rather tough on me, I had a tube in my nose and iv in each hand and i'm which we've all gone thru it but it deffinitely is not pleasant. I had to stay in the hospital for 5 days because i developed a UTI from the catheter they had in me and i kept having some fevers that would spike up and down then up again then down again, it sucked. My room was located where there was a big old window and i could see the city of Boston and at night it was really beautiful so that was awesome. I'm home now and i'm so glad to be around my family nothing feels better then having those who care around you. Last night before leaving the hospital i had only a few small sips of the broth they give to you, I know i'm supposed to try and drink atleast 8oz of carnation instant breakfast because of all the protein and what not but i get tired of the taste its sweet and eventually i kind of get grossed out by it having it all the time but i am sucking it up and drinking it because it seems to be one of the only things that my stomach can tolerate and that won't make me nauseous. Yesterday my mom prepared some broth from me, store bought...it had 33% sodium in it, but i had less than 8 oz and i ended up feeling so ill and rather nauseous shortly after consuming it. I ended up laying down and that helped settle my stomach so it leaves me to wonder if the broth is what made me sick. I'm sort of scared to eat or drink certain things now i'm scared i'll become ill but i know this is all about trial and error as well. With time I know things will get better god willing! I came into this a staggering 325+ lbs and now i'm down to 320 i think it is so thats pretty amazing to me!


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Mar 21, 2011
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