Patience Is a Virtue

Jun 06, 2013

I can't believe it--I've succumbed.  Not to some forbidden food (or forbidden anything, for that matter).  I've fallen prey to the old "I can't believe I haven't lost anything!" syndrome.

When I got back home last weekend and weighed in on Saturday, I saw I'd lost a pound, dropping my weight to 201.  And that's where I've sat ever since.  I know a week is nothing and I know that if I keep doing what I'm supposed to be doing (which I am), the weight will come off.  But I'm so close to Onderland.  I keep looking at the scale and thinking, 'Come on...move!"

What I am is spoiled.  I'll be eight weeks out on Sunday and until this week, I've never lost less than three pounds in any given week.  This mini-stall might be my body adjusting to the rapid loss (36 pounds in 8 weeks ain't bad), but it might also be my body adding some muscle, which would be a very good thing. 

I've been working out religiously since coming home (something that went on the back burner while I traveled--though I was far more active than I would have been before).  I brought back with me a Fitbit Zip that I'm obsessed over.  I get in 10,000 steps a day easily (one day, I got above 13,000).  My doctor told me to walk or swim, so I'm following instructions.  I walk my dog for a half hour in the morning (with our summers I don't know how much longer I'll be able to sustain that) and then I go to the gym at work and put in 40-45 minutes (depending on how I feel).  That coupled with my usual 600-650 calories a day assures me I'm not gaining weight (thank you, My Fitness Pal).

So I've just gotta hang in there.  I know that.  But why won't my scale move!? 


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