Nothing Is Black and White

Jun 24, 2013

I'm feeling pretty pleased.  I just completed another trip to the States.  This time I was in Chicago for a week to attend a conference.  Now it just so happens I'm originally from Chicago.  So I was able to mix a little pleasure with business.  Rather than stay in a hotel, I bunked with my sister and her family. 

I think I'm going to be one of those people who allows themselves a little leeway from time to time.  I know many weight loss surgery patients refuse to eat any white carbs--and more power to them.  Gotta love that will power.  But I've been doing things like having half an English muffin, or a couple of bites of pancake, or even some tortilla chips, and it really hasn't hurt me any.  Now mind you, my portion sizes are rather small, and I certainly don't do this every day (I tend to follow this behavior when I'm away from home, more than any other time).  But it's been working for me, and I think this is the way I'm going to continue.  I just don't see how I could cut these things out entirely and not feel resentful.  A lack of carbs gives you so many fewer options to work with.  As much as possible I stick to gluten free indulgences, but even that's not 100%.  My key is not overdoing it.  So far, so good.

Now that I'm home, I'm back to exercising daily.  I absolutely must hit the 10,000 step benchmark on Fitbit or I am very sad.  That, combined with 500-700 calories a day (most days I hit the sweet spot of 600-650 calories) have kept me on track.  I've lost 10 pounds so far for June.

And I have nearly a week to go!


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Surgery Date
Mar 05, 2013
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