This Exercise Thing

Aug 29, 2013

I'm surprising myself--I'm really kind of enjoying my personal training sessions.  This past week, I added a session, bringing my schedule to three sessions a week.  We'll be working out Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.  As my work week runs Sunday-Thursday, this works out really well for me.  My sessions go from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, so I just run up to the gym when I get off work, and then go home and collapse.

Mark is a really good guy.  He's got a nice, soft-spoken way about him.  He pushes me and keeps me motivated without that stereotypical, over-the-top, cheerleader vibe you see from a lot personal trainers on TV and in the movies.  Our personalities mesh, and I enjoy talking to him.

I'm now doing 80+ squats per session (which is just mental), I can hold a plank for 52 seconds (I know I can get to a full minute next week) and yesterday I did 45 press-ups (not full push-ups yet, but we're on our way).  I don't consider it a good session unless I leave it drenched in sweat.

The downside--which I knew was coming, but which still bums me out a wee bit--is my weight loss has slowed down dramatically.  I started August at 177.  I was in a one week plateau.  My first session with Mark took me down to 175, breaking through that plateau.  But in the four weeks since, I've only lost an additional six pounds.  By contrast, I lost 12 pounds in July.

I know the natural thing to do is to check out how many inches I've lost.  Tomorrow is my official every-four-week measurement.  I'm hoping I'm happy with the results.  I don't intend to stop exercising.  I know there are big-time benefits for me.  But I'm like any dieter--I love to see that scale move.


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