Starting to see a light...

Mar 21, 2011

Praise God, I'm starting to see a light at the end of this tunnel. I am loosing again. 5lbs last week and 3 lbs this week. I will take anything that will get me closer to 190 lbs. I got a call from my OBGYN's Assistant and my Hysterectomy is scheduled for May 26th. Praise God! I pray that I will have more energy after I receive my treatment next week and even more energy after the hysterectomy! I know I will be able to loose at a good pace then because I will have the energy to get more exercise in. I'm holding on, but I praise God because I see that light and it get's brighter and brighter the closer I get to that date. Don't get me wrong, it will be very painful because it is a open procedure. She is going to have to separate my bladder from my uterus before she can remove it and she will have to do a lot of scraping. I just remember that old song by Millie Jackson, "No pain, No gain"! That is how I'm looking at life right now, No pain, No gain. How will I have a testimony to share if I haven't gone through some thing to have a victory! I see another victory coming and I am ready for it!


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Nov 08, 2010
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