A new day!

Apr 05, 2011

Well I went to Zumba last night and had a good time. BUT, I am tired! My husband had a bath ready for me when I got home. He is so good to me! Anyway, I admitted to one of my buddies that I was getting jealous because I wasn't loosing at the same rate that she and my other buddies were loosing. It amazes me that my personality is changing. I don't remember being envious of anyone in a really long time! This is mind blowing. After I admitted it, I asked for forgiveness and now I'm back on track.

I only lost 1 pound this week!!! Not sure what I did wrong but I am working on getting all of my water in. Still having problems getting food stuck, no dumping though. I will also increase my working out. I will do Zumba once a week, get on my elliptical machine at least 3 times a week and work out with Wii Fit at least 2 times a week.

Still not stress eating, so I am really proud of that. I have had the urge to do it, but I have been able to leave the kitchen and go to another room so that has been good. I've purchased candy for my family and left the Peanut M&M's alone. I'm really proud of that. I need to keep concentrating on the good to make this process a success.


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Nov 08, 2010
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