What you never knew about yourself.

Apr 11, 2011

I never knew I could be envious. I am usually very excited for others success and I don't remember comparing them to me. If there was something I wanted, I prayed about it and worked hard to get it. However, this surgery has brought something out of me that I don't like! I'm envious of everyone who is loosing weight faster than me. Now I know in my head all the things people say are true, like, we all have different metabolisms, body types, genetics, etc. However, I feel like I'm trying to stick to this plan and my results are slowly coming. Now that I have admitted that, I am giving it to God. I am very happy for everyone who has lost because I know how hard it is. I guess my body has been in starvation mode for so long it is not willing to give up anything without a fight. LOL I know I will feel better when I can eat without feeling sick, getting things stuck, etc. I have been reminded that it won't last forever. I'm prepared for the long haul. It's funny though, I get sick on things that are on the list to eat, what would happen if I try to cheat! LOL BTW, down 2 lbs this week. Praying to meet my goal of 190 by the end of the month but it's not looking too good right now. Pray with me please!


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Surgery Date
Nov 08, 2010
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