Happy Monday!!!!

Aug 08, 2011

 I hope that everyone had a fantastic weekend.  Mine....was typical.  Filled with BS and drama...but whats new LOL.  To be completely honest I am a little happy to be back at work today, out of the house and back on track with my eating.  It seems that I graze on food over the weekends...I didn't gain anything which is good but I know that I ate more than I should have and my tummy was upset about it all weekend.
So it is Monday....my son turns 8 years old this coming Sunday so I am planning him a birthday party at a local bowling alley/arcade for this weekend.  School also starts in 2 weeks so we are going shoppig to get him all the stuff he needs for school which should keep us busy.  I am taking a vacation day next Monday so I am excited to have a 3 day weekend coming up....gives me something to look forward to.
So this is totally NOT WEIGHT LOSS related but I have been searching for a new charm to put on my necklace.  Before I had the letter T...which is the first letter to my BF's first name....but that has since been removed and "misplaced" LOL, so I was thinking a butterfly.  I did some reading and butterflies symbolize transformation, starting a new life and letting go of an old life.  I think that is the perfect symbol for not only having RNY but also for starting a new life with less weight....and less stress!!
I honestly think that it is time to take things into my own hands....why allow others to determine the mood that I am in?  Why allow anyone to "steal my sunshine" as a client use to say to me all the time.  I am 31 years old, I want to live life and ENJOY it.  I live in sunny Florida yet I haven't been anywhere to enjoy it.  I would love to start going on weekend road trips.  I want to see Florida, enjoy the beaches, the shops, the restaurants (all 2.5 bites) and simply enjoy life.  I am so tired of working hard all week just to spend my weekend in the house where the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife, only to return to work on Monday tired and frustrated. Caffiene has become a part of my normal morning routine...it use to never be that way.  I literally wake up wondering if I want to do a coffe, a sugar free red bull, or just to straight to the 5 hour energy drink.  That is sad.  I would rather have one of those then food most mornings.  Before I never drank coffee and those other drinks where simply not needed.  It is crazy.  And lately especially on the weekends I find myself reverting back to my old "stressed bored eating" that I did before surgery.  The serving size is MUCH smaller but it is still not healthy food.  This weekend I had potato chips, cake, ice cream, and over 2 days ate an entire order of chicken wings and french fries.  I know everything in moderation but the fact that I wasn't hungery when I ate any of those things is not a good sign.  Of course today is Monday and I am back to reality but it is so depressing that I want to come to work just to get away from home life stress.  It shouldn't be that way at ALL!!!
My eats for today:
B- McDonalds sausage burrito and coffee(after the burrito)
SN-I skipped snack today
L- chicken salad on a 100 calorie sandwich thin, one slice of cheese (I will probably only eat half)
SN- I brought cottage cheese and tomato
D- either a scrambled egg and cottage cheese or a veggie salad with a few shrimp



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Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2010
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