Resisting Temptations

Oct 20, 2011

I have to admit that I have never been able to resist any food temptations.  Cookies....I want one.  Cake....I want some.  Sandwiches....sure why not.  Even after surgery I would find myself testing the waters to taste the different temptations that came my way.  I work in a law office and for some reason people like to "thank us" with food.  Cookes, cakes, brownies, pasteries, fruit (which is ok...but its all covered in chocolate), different sandwich trays.....well today in walks in a HUGE bag of wraps from Jason's Deli and a HUGE bag of chips and salsa.  Super nice of the company that sent it!  So I am appreciative don't get me wrong....but the temptation was still there.  Clearly the wraps were not gluten free....or vegetarian.  There was ham, roast beef, turkey, chicken salad, and for THE VERY FIRST TIME EVER I looked at them and kept walking.  They didn't even look appealing to me because I know that after about 3 bites of the wrap I would be in bloat city and completely miserable.  I did have a 6 chips and a spoonful of the salsa.  I am not bloated but I am not wanting any more of the chips/salsa either.  I had a nice little bite and I was done.
I think that once you really set your mind to something you have to truly stick with it.  Every one (here) critizes me for my choices.  I hear this line all the time "well if you aren't eating meat what are you eating?" and this one "there is nothing wrong with wheat's in everything".  My answer to the first question is "meat is murder" LOL and to the second question  I try to explain why I am cutting out the gluten and the issues that I have been having.  That is when I get the 'deer in headlights' look and they usually stop asking questions at that point LOL  For TWO whole days I have not had any bloating.  I don't truly think that "meat is murder" but I mean really it is if you think about it....but I have ate meat for 31 to each there own.  I cook meat, I still buy meat, I just chose not to eat it RIGHT NOW.  That doesn't mean that I may not add fish, or lean meats back into my diet later, but right now I am going to do without.  
Last night I made the MOST delicious dish ever.  Veggie Marinara:
One bag of frozen broccoli
One bag of frozen cauliflower
1/2 onion chopped (I love onions)
package of asparagus
1/2 block firm tofu mashed and then fried up with garlic and taco seasoning
I cooked all the veggies together until almost done and drained off the excess water.  Then I added a jar of low sodium marinara sauce (meatless of course).  I chose the olive oil and garlic flavor.  I added my own seasonings, Adobo, garlic, and onion powder (I really like onions).  And the tofu, and I let this simmer up.  I added a little bit of splenda and cayenne pepper, I also like a sweet heat LOL.  When done I put a little shredded cheddar cheese on top and let it melt....OMG, it was amazing.  I brought some for lunch today and my coworker tried it...she thought it had meat in it too...and she really liked it.
Tonight I am going to try either the BBQ or the Buffalo tofurky wings and I think I am going to whip together some homemade ranch dip with greek yogurt to get a little extra protein in.  I will report back on that tomorrow!!


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Oct 01, 2010
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