
Oct 24, 2011

So I have officially been doing my vegetarian low gluten way of living for a full week now.  And I have to admit that it is going really good.  I never knew that vegetables and meat substitutes could be so darn yummy.  AND I am proud to say that the SCALE HAS FINALLY MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am down to 183.2!!!!!!!   3.2 pounds away from my original goal set at surgery.  It is crazy because I literally never thought that I would be anywhere near this weight.  I went and bought a new pair of jeans this weekend.....size 14!!!  It was a victory for sure.  To be able to shop in the "normal size" clothing and actually be able to try stuff on was very liberating.  3.2 pounds....I so want to be at goal before I leave for my trip back home for Thanksgiving....I think I can make it now

I tried a few new things this weekend that I want to share:
Asparagus Sesame stir fry- simply amazing=
10 asparagus stalks
1/2 of a small to medium size onion chopped thick
I put in a little cabbage for extra crunch
Mixed all together in a wok with a little olive oil and garlic powers and adobo
added 2 tablespoons of sesame sauce when veggies were almost done
-This is probably my favorite stir fry yet.  The sesame goes great with the asparagus and onions.

Morningstar Buffalo Chik'n Nuggest
These little puppies taste so much like chicken it is unbelievable.  I baked mine so they tasted fresh, went down good and agreed with my pouch.  They do have a slightly mushier texture then real chicken nuggets but I think if I would have let t hem back a little longer that might taken care of this issue.  I had them with my homemade ranch dip.  One packet of ranch seasoning and a 16oz container of sour cream.  Next time I am going to add greek yogurt to up the protein in my dip.

Tempeh- Tempeh is made from cooked and slightly fermented soybeans and formed into a patty, similar to a very firm veggie burger. *** I officially like this SO MUCH better then tofu.  I don't think that the tofu recepies that I have been trying were really working out because of the mushy, wet texture.  But I had Tempeh fried....amazing.  It tasted so much like meat I had to google it just to see what it really was.  So I went to the store and got some for myself.  I made a little flour mixture with all my seasonings and lightly diped the tempeh in the mixture and pan fried them in a little olive oil and then diped them in ketchup....sounds crazy but it was delicious.  The firmed right up, fried to a nice golden brown and gave me that crunch I was looking for.  Tempeh is also high in protein and LOW in calories which works for me trying to lose that 3.2 pounds!!!   

I have come to the revalation....(through my current misery) that I have to have a gluten allergy.  Today is Sweet Treat Monday at the office (why is there always food around????)  I made my yummy Vanilla Gluten Free cake with Coconut Pecan icing (all time fave).   BUT another girl made a white cake with this cherry filing inbetween the layers.  So I got a little sliver.....instant misery!  NEVER again.  I haven't had this feeling in almost a week.  Bye bye gluten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2010
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