Need Help in PA since DE is too Strict

Apr 25, 2013

I have a co worker who started her journey to have this surgery 1 1/2 years ago.. Because of her weight she was put on a strict regimen diet and told to lose 50 lbs.  At Chrias center in Delaware they really don't want to operate on anyone who i over 450 lbs. They have a center for excellence and they put you through so much so that they can make sure your results will be successful in the long run. However, they should have just stated we want you to lose 150 lbs instead of saying 'just lose 50 lbs we'll start you on Optifast and can get the surgery done..  My coworker and good friend is now stressed out and is depressed.. She has been absent from work and not returning any calls I thought she may have attempted suicide. Reluctantly, from supervisor I just found out she was in the hospital. She was so stressed out about her last appointment with the doctor telling her discouraging news that she had a mild heart attack at hospital they are telling her she needs to lose the weight.  It's hard for someone that needs the surgery who has jumped through the hoops and sees a nutrition weekly for over a year to just give us because drs office is giving her the run around. I feel they should have told her from the beginning you need to be under 450 lbs. There are alot of places that will do her at current weight of  611 LBS. I"m sure.... Can anyone recommend somewhere in PA.  I don't want her to knw that I just got cleared and could have my surgery in May once I get surgery date.  It's just sadd!!  She is only 28 years old and her dream is to have a child. Which won't come true if she can't get this surgery. We work in Pennsylvania so I'm trying to find a doctor who will accept her at her current weight and accept all of her clearances for egd, pulmonologist, cardiologist, nutritionist, phychiatrist, and also goes to a fitness center located at the nutritionist office.


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wilmington, DE
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Dec 26, 2012
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