Loquacious Laura (Laura Crowe)

Support Group

Aug 11, 2010

Yesterday I went back to my support group at Franklin Square Hospital Center 4-5 and 5-6 on the 2nd tuesday of every month.

I missed 2 months because my daughter was sick and then I was too busy with my wedding that I forgot about it. 

I think it is very important to go to support groups or participate on this website. 

Not only do you get it all off your chest but you know that people will relate to you. 

You learn what to expect not from a surgeon who himself has never had the surgery, or a nut who never had the surgery but from other people who have had the surgery and can tell you what their experience was.  The Dr's can only give you information based on a medical standpoint.

Surgeons actually recommend patients to support groups for this reason.

I'm really excited! next months support group is manicures, and makeovers, and they have a body shaper company coming in, it's going to be great!!!

For more information on weight loss surgery please go to http://wlsfa.org/ it's a wonderful website with lots of helphul info. 

