Cheese IS Not My Friend

Jul 03, 2010

I know we are supposed to get some of our protien from cheese, but It makes me soooo sick! I love cheese and cottage cheese, but now I can't keep them down. That was a big shcock to me. So I think I'm going back on liquids for a bit longer. I had part of a turkey burger with some avocado last night and it was great, but it's weird to be full still. So today I had broth, one protein bar (1/2 in the morning and half for dinner) and my water.  Water is sooo my best friend. The thing is, is that I can't seem to have it cold enough! I'm craving ice chips! Maybe I'm a little anemic? So far I'm doing better after surgery. I'm walking a little faster, but can be knocked on my butt if I over do it.

