10ish Pounds to Twoderville and Halfway to Onederland

Feb 02, 2012

Big day!  Halfway to Onederland. So tonight I am full of hope.  I also had a couple of NSVs yesterday and today.  First I fit into size 48 pants.  Big right??  But down 14 inches from my pre-surgery pants.  Then I climbed out of the Y pool using the ladder.  So what?  What is that last summer I did a water aeobics class in an unfamiliar pool and didn't realize the only way out was a ladder.  I usually use steps.  I barely made it to the lip of the pool and had to have help to stand and get through the narrow ladder.  Yeah, that was pretty damn embarrassing.  Of course, no one saw me have my NSV because it is normal to use the ladder and that is just the kind of normal I want to be.  I love my sleeve.  Next stop - Twoderville.

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