Starting the Journey

Apr 24, 2011

My insurance requires 6mths supervised nutritional study. I started Feb 4 at 353 lbs. The guy was an *&$%* .   I am not a gym rat -but I am not inside on the couch watching TV and eating Cheetos and Bon Bons all day either - I have a 70'x70' garden I tend by myself : amending soil, tilling, turning over, fertilizing, planting, weeding, harvesting.  I have horses that I tend to and move the fences for pasture rotation, I have chickens I care for and pens / houses to build, repair and expand.
  He told me I would lose weight if I would "get out from in front of the TV all day everyday".    I figured it was his standard 1st visit speech so I shrugged off that comment as well as others that he made.
   The 2nd visit I was down 9lbs and returned with my food log he had asked me to keep - and I did it religiously.  He never asked about the log, but scolded me about eating deep fried foods and going to McDonald's "so much".   I was furious.
 I talked to a couple of friends who had RNY elsewhere and they convinced me to give Dr. Jeffrey Friedman a try.

  I saw him in mid-March and he was friendly, kind, confident and reassuring.  He answered my questions and helped me to decide on RNY for my own surgery - no pushing, just information.   I started with an "introductory" visit to his nutritionist and walked away with a ton more information than both visits combined with the other guy.   At my weigh-in on 4/12 I was down 20lbs. 
   I had my psychological eval and got the results so now I have in writing that I am sane   :)

My sister's best friend had RNY on 4/12 and is doing well. She is keeping a journal for me of good and bad so I know what to expect.  She is doing great so far.

   My newest challenge is trying to figure out / follow / learn the measurements and counts that the NUT wants me to have of different nutrients and food types. I go back on 5/16 for visit number 4.

Nervous. Excited.


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 10, 2011
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