Anxiety Attack :(

Jun 25, 2011

 Last night I was thinking about surgery and about how I had an anxiety attack waking up from my wisdom teeth surgery.  I was thinking (worrying) about being "tied down'  by IV tubes and compression socks, etc.  About going sooo long without anything to drink and how that dry scratchy throat triggers panic attacks for me.... and right there last night I had horrible anxiety. I had to get up after a while and take some meds because it was like there was electricity all under my skin. 

  If I freak out just THINKING about those things, what is going to happen when they are reality?
I have told my surgeon's nurse about my anxiety, but I just don't know how to impress on them how much of a problem it can really be.  I see my PCP but not until Aug 2 so I don't know if that will be time for him to help me through it or not. My counselor will be in town and available, but that isn't going to do me much good in recovery.   *sigh*  I am afraid.  Not of pain (not looking forward to it, but not afraid of it), not of dying (I am a Christian and know where I will be).... I am afraid of being afraid!!  sheesh.  


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Apr 10, 2011
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