Liquid Diet Day 2

Aug 11, 2011

 I went to bed early yesterday - like 530 early.  I woke up off and on through the night, had some water and one time a SF popsicle. I woke up early, had  a shake and had to take my cat to the vet for bloody urine.  She has a  "raging bacterial UTI" so I have meds for her for 10 days. So she will be staying at the vet next week as will my "strict rest" dog.  This surgery is going to cost more in prep than the actual procedure!!

    After I dropped the dog back off at home I grabbed a bottle of water and headed out for my pre-op labs.  The nurse went over my meds and medical history and then I had blood drawn.   Somewhere in the last 6 months it didn't get mentioned that at one time I was diagnosed with a tricuspid heart murmur.  I forget about it because about 2 years ago they rechecked and it was completely gone and my valve was functioning 100%.  So now I have to wait for the other hospital to fax over those results to Dr. Friedman. I sure hope it doesn't cause a problem.

   After having blood drawn I went for my pre-surgical consult with Dr. Friedman.  I adore his nurse. She is funny, straight-forward and really builds my confidence in this surgery (she is a few years out).  She said she has already asked Dr. Friedman and the office manager if she can come sit with me in pre-op holding so I won't be alone and to make sure my anxiety is taken care of.   That meant a LOT.
 Especially since it is turning into a bit of a mess as to who will be with me at the hospital.
 My 75yr old SMO mom is wheelchair bound. If she sits in her electric scooter more than an hour or 2 she gets in absolute agony.   I told her for them to just stay until I get taken back where they can't go wtih me, then they can leave.  At that point one of my friends will (hopefully) come up because the OR reports to the waiting room by phone every hour you are in surgery.... I 'd hate for them to call out  my name and nobody be there!   At some point in the evening, my sister will show up and spend the night with me.

   Dr. Friedman gave me a fistful of prescriptions and explained each of them to me, then asked if I had any questions.  I ran through a few and he answered them to my satisfaction.  He shook my hand and said "see ya Tuesday!!".... and it hit me. I am havign major surgery in like 5 days.  Still not particularly nervous... it just became reality.  And made me remember I have not finished all I need to.

  I think I mentioned my friend who is doing the liquid diet with me?  She just called and invited me to her house for a buffet of my choice of broth , I am to provide the protein shakes (since I have flavors LOL ).


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Apr 10, 2011
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