
Aug 24, 2011

An update already on the "blah" feelings.  I went to the gym and walked a mile (1.12 miles actually) in 30 minutes. Not too shabby.  The trainer was there and I talked to her for a bit and thanked her for working with me and giving me the great workout plans.  Just for the day they had a special going on personal trainer sessions (she is a contractor at my work) pay for 6 get 1 free, you have 6 months to use them.  I definitely took that opportunity so when I am cleared for "real" workouts I have 7 paid for and waiting for me. Motivation.
  My counselor did call and we talked some. Yesterday I messed up mentally and I think that has been a big trigger on why I have the blahs.  There was also a misunderstanding between my counselor and I (read that as "just me" )  last night via email so we cleared that up and it helped a LOT.  

  I will make up my stubborn mind (even my therapist calls me stubborn   ) and make it through a day at a time until I beat down the blahs. I have done it before and I will do it again.   I climbed 16 flights of stairs.     (whenever I have to stick out something tough, I finish it with " I climbed 16 flights of stairs".... from that last workout with the trainer. I figure if I did that I can do lots of stuff I don't "feel" like I can do)

Already, I have people telling me I am eating wrong:  too little, too much, wrong texture etc.  
I have a little sample menu from my surgeon cut out and in my bag as a sample when I eat at a friend's or when I go back to work.  I show them where I eat by the "tablespoon serving", where as long as it is "applesauce consistency" it doesn't matter if a blender makes it that way or my teeth and chewing 30-something times.

 I see Dr. Friedman tomorrow. I hope he is satisfied with my progress and how I am doing things.  I'll have to be sure to tell him about my mile!!


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Apr 10, 2011
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