Laparoscopic RNY was a success!

Nov 22, 2009

In my post-surgery grogginess someone, I don't know who, told me RNY surgery was a success and had even been done laparoscopically.  Even though the scarring to the stomach and surrounding tissue from previous diaphragmatic and incisional hernia repairs was extensive, dear Dr. Zorn and his surgical staff had stuck with it for four-and-a-half hours to do my RNY laparoscopically.  I never expected that good fortune, and am beyond grateful.  My gallbladder was removed also, as planned.

Surgery was early morning on Nov. 18, and I was discharged the morning of Nov. 21. The  only complication has been that my oxygen sats won't stay up without supplemental oxygen -- the result of having mild-to-moderate emphysema and lengthy surgery.  But that will pass.

My belly appears bigger and swollen and my rear-end looks smaller.  But I would be surprised to have any weight loss yet with the swollen torso.

It is surprising that I flew through the stages of no-ice and then ice-chips-only etc. without suffering.  I'm in the clear-fluids-only stage now and  was told I should start drinking one protein shake a day beginning tomorrow.  This afternoon, I was doing so well and craving some actual nutrition, so I jumped the gun and have had teeny tiny sips of a protein shake without consequence and hours later have finished nearly all 12 ozs.

Thanks God and Pacific Bariatrics.


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