Just some thoughts.........

Jan 06, 2010

I just wanted to write a little bit about what is going on with me and the progress for my surgery.  The insurance coodinator at the surgeon's office was on vacation and I left her a message about my having me the qualifications set forth by my insurance and I wanted to know what the next step was for me.  She was back in the office Monday and I have still yet to hear from her.  I hope she calls by the end of the week.  I have an appointment next week to follow up with the psychiatrist she is going to go over my results with me and then send it to the doctor and my insurance.  I hope that I can have it by the end of February.  I am going to do a few videos for my Youtube channel they should be up by this weekend.  My Youtube channel name is Olive4beauty.
So, my wonderful husband bought me the Your Shape program for Wii with Jenny McCarthy for Christmas.  I did it last night and wanted to choke Jenny.  It was a great workout I burned 275 cal in about 30 min.  Which is better than in the Gym on the Treadmill and Recumbant bike for an hour.  The only thing that was frustrating for me was that the camera wouldn't detect my moves and say keep moving your arms, focus on your arms.  I was like I am moving my arms duh!  I am skipping tonight and do it tomorrow and so on. I am doing every other day.  I was sore a little today so it must have worked:)  Well, I will keep you all posted on my progress as soon as I know something. Til then Have the best week of your life!

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