Goals and Rewards

Jul 09, 2010

I have been reading Winning By Losing by Jillian Micheals and one part of her book talks about how we should write down all our goals starting with our ultimate goals and what our rewards will be when we reach that level.  And how we should break it down into smaller parts no mater how small as long as it helps us make our ultimate goal.

I figured that the best way to remain true not only to my self and to make myself work towards my goals I would write a blog about them that way my online friends could read them and encourage me in my fight to a healthier me.  I figured I would write out all my ultimate goals by when I want to complete them along with the rewards that I would give myself.

Due by 5/15/10
Goal: Wear a bathing suit that makes me feel sexy.
Reward: Buy a season pool pass

Goal: Fit into clothes that I am not ashamed to wear
Reward: Buy 3 outfits from Deb's

Goal: Be able to participate in the Race for the Cure
Reward: Buy an IPOD so I am able to have music during the race

Goal: Have a healthy BMI
Reward: Buy a new Bike

Due by 12/15/10
Goal: Walk 2 miles every day (5 times a week)
Reward: Buy new tennis shoes

Goal: Walk 1 mile in 10 minutes
Reward:  Get a new work out dvd

Goal: Be healthy enough for Back surgery if still needed
Reward: Buy my self a new healthy cook book

Due by 10/15/10
Goal: Drink 2 ltrs of water a day (80%)
Reward: Train ride to Chicago to go shopping at Navy Pier

Goal: Take pills every day (80%)
Reward: Dinner and a Movie

Goal: Lose at least 10 inches around my waist.
Reward: Treat my self to a day of pampering.

Goal: Lose at least 15 pounds
Reward: Buy a new work out dvd


About Me
Normal, IL
Jul 05, 2010
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