Getting prepared

Aug 12, 2010

 Today I spent about two hours on the phone trying to line up a physician to do a pre-op physical on me before surgery. Managed to do it -- it's on Monday.  Gotta deal with some problems that have come up recently, including a torn meniscus in my knee and diabetes.  Also gotta get some blood tests done, either tomorrow or Monday.  

Today when I woke up I felt like the surgery is very close and I better get prepared. So I went out tonight and bought sweetener, sugar-free pudding and jello, almond milk and almond extract, etc.  Still gotta get a blender!  Inside I'm not really afraid, just a little nervous. Talked to my brother today.  I'm thinking a lot about the recovery from surgery.  So many people on OH have complications during recovery, or say "It's been eight weeks and I still don't fee right."  It's kind of hard to plan to be out of commission for three months. I'm hoping I have an easier time with this than my sister, who had an open rny.   Even with that, she got through it okay although she had a few complications later.   (hernia was one of them)  

I was thinking about how I will hopefully look back on this with a grin.  It's scary. It seems like everyone else knows what to expect but me. 


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Surgery Date
Nov 09, 2009
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