MMWI 2/15/10 and 2/22/10

Feb 21, 2010

Another week has come and gone.  All I wanted to do last week was EAT - For Pete's Sake -- WTH was up with that???? The first part of the week, I was experiencing some kind of gastric distress (I'm thinking a bit of a bug that was going around), but by the time Friday rolled around...OMG, it was terrible, all I wanted to do was EAT.  Needless to say my weight is up this week, enough that I'm sticking to PROTEIN pretty exclusively for the next few days. Dunno if it was because of stress, a bug, TOM, or just plain boredom, but it's gotta stop and stop NOW!   That's why I do this thread EVERY week. When something like this happens, I have to fess up and take back control.  I KNOW the last 3-4 days were no where close to that, so I have to fix it. 

Sooooo, We've heard about are YOU doing??  H
ere we go.. Jump on the "HAG" Scrawny
2 , record those digitsWriting and let us know how you are doing...Losses or gains, all results welcome here.  Y'all have a great day!  I refuse to give up or give in!

Highest weight: 252
Surgery weight: 238
Weight last week: 141.6
Today's Weight: 143.3
Weight Gain/Loss: +1.7lbs

Total weight loss: 108.7
It could be worse........MUCH, MUCH worse!

OMG, SNOW again overnight, woke up to yet another winter wonderland. Yea it was an inch,but I'm tired of the cold, I want it to go away! I'm ready for summer! Nothing on the agenda or horizon... depressing, isn't it?? It'll all work out, sooner or later, I have faith!

Keep King in your prayers this morning as he has a heart cath -- I'm swinging Ally (Peeks is WAY too dignified for such silliness) for a positive outcome! 
Sooooo, how are YOU doing??  H
ere we go.. Jump on the "HAG" Scrawny
2 , record those digitsWriting and let us know how you are doing...Losses or gains, all results welcome here.  Y'all have a great day!  I refuse to give up or give in!

Highest weight: 252
Surgery weight: 238
Weight last week: 141.4
Today's Weight: 141.6
Weight Gain/Loss: +0.2lbs

Total weight loss: 110.4
It could be worse........MUCH, MUCH worse!


About Me
Fredericksburg, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 24, 2008
Member Since

Friends 59

Latest Blog 73
