Endoscopy went Great!

Apr 13, 2011

The endoscopy went well! I only had a mild gastritus that my surgeon said it is not even worth correcting because it is minimal and it is part of the stomach that will be removed.  Now I just have to wait for the results of the biopsy that they took to make sure there is no unecessary bacteria.. For those who have not done the endoscopy yet, it really is over before you know it.. You get an IV which btw, was the only thing that bothered me.. I am always a hard stick so after 2 attempts, they stuck me in the base of my THUMB!..omg did it hurt!!!  and i am so sore right now but ice helps.  Once I had the IV in, they took me in the room where they had me lay on my side...they had a few tv monitors around me.  they put a canula on my nose...before i knew it the nurse was saying "I'm sorry i have to do this but they told you about the medicine right?" (Which they did) but as i said yes she shot the medicine through a seringe in the back of my throat and everyone quickly said "Gargle, Gargle!"  THAT WAS NASTY! but it was over in seconds.. and you do have to swallow it..YUCK! but once you swallow it, you feel everything start to feel like its melting from being numb..and it makes you feel giggly...lol  then they put a ring in your mouth that protects your teeth and it keeps your mouth open...omg and because of the giggle juice, i told the nurses that it felt like a ball gag in my mouth! haha...well, then next thing you know they were asking me if i picked out a dream...and then i was waking up! it literally was like amnesia...so quick and so easy...i was in recovering all of 30 min.. i drank diet gingerale...was able to dress on my own...and so far today i just been a little tired...lounging on the couch..
  So surgery is still set for the 16th!  I have my pre-admission and pre op on the 29th and then its surgery!!  I can't believe how fast it is going....i am overwhelmed but oh so ready.. 
Oh and when talking to the surgeon today, He is going to use a  34 bougie!!!  That makes me so happy!!!

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